Novel, 2013
“Epic wildfires are snaking through the Sapphires and the Bitterroots, closing in on the valley. The entire west is seemingly ablaze when James hitchhikes to Missoula, in search of clues to his father's mysterious death two decades earlier.

Ruth traded a dead-end life in Minneapolis for a dead-end life in Missoula. But in Missoula, she's got Bridget. "[Bridget] was gorgeous... but that wasn't it, that didn't quite explain it. What explained it was the curse. The curse of the unreasonably pretty, the curse of cult leaders and dictators. It sucked everyone to her, it consumed her, made her untouchable."

After a local girl dies at a party, signaling the end of fun for the twentysomethings of Missoula, James and Ruth become involved. But jealousy over Bridget quickly complicates things.” (Two Dollar Radio)

You can purchase Nothing here at Two Dollar Radio

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Select Reviews and Interviews:

Tao Lin for the New York Times

Electric Lit

The Star Tribune

Paste Magazine

Interview with LA Review of Books

Interview with Brad Listi on The Other People Podcast

All materials shown are authored by Anne Marie Wirth Cauchon unless otherwise stated.